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Can you integrate with my website?
Probably! We work with almost every 3rd party gateway out there. If your website works with any major gateway, we can integrate - come see our integrations.

How's a gateway different than a shopping cart?
Shopping carts are what your customers interact with on your website. The gateway is responsible for transacting sensitive payment information to your processor.

How do i start selling on a website?
Selling online requires a few components - a merchant account, a gateway, and a shopping cart. AND provides expert guidance on the technology you'll need.

Are the processing rates the same online?
Processing online usually costs slightly more than processing in-person. Interchange rates are higher, and the greater risk of fraud and customer disputes can affect rates.

What shopping carts do you integrate with?
Almost all of them! We offer an open API through the AND gateway so you can integrate with any shopping cart. Or, we can work with most 3rd party gateways for a seamless connection.
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